A letter from the Chairman

Dear Members,

We have the Club’s Annual General Meeting coming up on Wednesday 24th April. This year’s AGM will be a particularly important one which will ensure the continued successful running of the club. I would urge all current members to attend to make their views known to the committee how they see the club progressing over the next 12 months. 

Every year the 5 officers of the club including those holding the 3 principal posts of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are required to stand down at the meeting, they can either be re-elected or replaced by a membership vote.

As you may have heard both Sean and Aidan have indicated that, after serving the club for many years, they will not be standing for re-election this year. They have both served the club well for many years for which I am very grateful, I hope you all are as well.

Whilst they will both remain active members and provide help with handing over the posts to their successors, it remains that we need volunteers to step up and take on those 2 roles. This club is run by its members, and these posts have been occupied by several of you over the years, and we now need 2 more to step up and fill the gap.
I have already received one member indicate they would like to stand for the Secretary post, but it remains open to other members to stand if they would like to. A democratic vote will take place at the AGM to appoint the successful candidates.

So far we have not had any offers for the Treasurer’s post. I would urge any of you who think they could serve the club in this capacity to put their name forward, please.

The job is not a difficult one, suitable accounting software can be provided, or you can do it with a spreadsheet or even a quill pen and parchment if you prefer. The process is essentially to take the subs, and pay them into the bank, make purchases for the club (Kit, insurances, expenses etc.), to monitor the Bank Account, and produce a simple financial report once a year. You can call for help from other members, particularly myself for all or any of these matters.

Should I be re-elected as Chairman this year I will remain committed to steering and shaping the club the way the members want, accommodating all styles of filming whether it be a casual one man shoot and edit, or even if you want to shoot a full-length feature film or anything between these.

See you all (hopefully) at the AGM,
Peter Leverick
Chairman – Sutton Filmmakers

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Contact us here

Sutton Filmmakers
Parochial Rooms,
42 The Broadway,
Cheam, Surrey,
SM3 8BL,
United Kingdom

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