Sutton Filmmakers Constitution

Secretary:  Paul Howard, 274 London road, Wallington Surrey SM6 7DJ (AMENDED)  Sutton Filmmakers Constitution 25 July 2017

1. Sutton Filmmakers (SFM) – in Sutton and the surrounding area.

2. AIMS   To encourage local filmmaking.

  • To provide tuition on filmmaking.
  • To provide a video making service for local community groups.

3. OBJECTIVES (How aims are achieved)

Workshops covering all aspects of filmmaking.
Club Nights – project planning/film analysis & discussion guest presentations & talks.
Community Projects – contribution to community & experience for club members.


The organisation is open to anyone living in the area who supports the aims of SFM over the age of 14 years. Members will abide by the written policies by SFM for filming and kit use. 


(a) The club would operate without a committee, but retain the officers of chair/club secretary/ programme secretary/ kit secretary/treasurer.

(b) ALL DECISIONS regarding purchasing, policy, meetings etc. would be taken by a FORUM OF ALL THE MEMBERS.

(c) The officers will hold office for 12 months.

(d) At each AGM the current officers will resign, and offer themselves for re-election if they so wish.

(e) The officers can only make financial decisions to a maximum of £150 without consulting the membership. They must have a majority agreement to do so.  Matters of over £150 need a majority of members’ decision.


(a)  SFM members have the power to remove any officer who does not act in the best interests of the club, with a majority vote.

(b)  SFM members can also remove any other member with a majority vote.


The management committee will keep a record of accounts with respect to:-

(a) all the sums received and expended by the organisation, and the matters in      respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place.  

(b) all sales and purchases of goods by the organisation.

(c) all assets and liabilities of the organisation.

(d) The accounts should be kept at:

29 Stannet Way, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8BE and shall be open to inspection by any member of the organisation upon request.

(e) At every AGM the management committee will present a financial report, verified by an independent examiner.

(f) The income and property of the organisation shall be applied solely towards the promotion of aims and objectives of the organisation.  No portion of the above shall be paid directly or indirectly to any member, unless it is for the      payment of reasonable expenses, as funds permit.  


Once a year the management committee shall appoint an independent examiner who will audit the books and accounts of the organisation, and report thereon in writing to the management committee.


The organisation may be wound up by a formal expression of members of the SFM.  On dissolution, any property and assets belonging to the organisation shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the organisation but shall be applied to such charitable purposes as members of the club determine.  Any capital assets, which have been funded by funding bodies, will revert back to them upon dissolution of the organisation.


(a) The constitution may be amended only by a majority vote of SFM members.

(b) Notice of the proposed amendments to the constitution shall be given to all members not less than 30 days before the meeting at which they are to be      discussed.

(c) Any changes made in the constitution shall be sent to the funding bodies for       information if required.


By the following officers:-

CHAIR               Peter Leverick _____________________________

SECRETARY    Sean Phelan          ______________________________

TREASURER    Aidan Rich ________________________________

This document was adopted on: __________________________ .

Member Benefits

Development of skills

Help and support members

Interesting workshops

Networking with other members

Community Services

Helping not-for-profit organisations

Helping new filmmakers

Offering advice on filmmaking to local businesses and organisations

Contact us here

Sutton Filmmakers
Parochial Rooms,
42 The Broadway,
Cheam, Surrey,
SM3 8BL,
United Kingdom