Chairman’s Report 2018-2019

Looking Back

Paul Howard has taken over the website management and has re-designed our website to include many more films, blogs and a news section.  – thank you, Paul.

The Membership diversity has continued to improve with a lowering of the average age of members attending; however, the membership attendance has been less regular with both newer and longstanding members being inclined to be more selective as to which weeks they attend, giving rise to lower numbers on average each week.

I would like to thank the outgoing committee, Sean, Aidan, Tom and Paul for their continued hard work and dedication in running and administering the club over the last 12 months. 

In particular, I would like to give very special thanks to Sean and Aidan as they stand down after many years of dedicated club service in the positions of Club Secretary and Treasurer. Without them, the club would not have flourished.

We have had some new items added to the kit list, notably 2 new V-lock batteries and charger all in a rigid flight case, and a new 4K Projector. We have also just been gifted a camera slider by our long-standing member Jenny Davis.

The year ended with the traditional Christmas meal at The Grumpy Mole in Cheam.

Looking Forward

The new website is now on line and looks very professional and fresh.

The Committee has approved a new club Logo design which will be adopted very soon.

Sutton Film Makers is still a unique filmmaking group, with few others like it in the UK; our Kit list alone sets us apart from most other clubs.

Its success is due largely to the membership, so it’s continued success and development depends on all members contributing in whatever way they are able. To that end, I would encourage more members to attend the planning meetings to ensure the Wednesday evenings meet their needs.

I am looking forward to working with a new Club Secretary and Treasurer, and give my assurance to them both that I will help them migrate into these posts as smoothly as possible. 

I am confident that the club can continue to grow and prosper whilst we look forward to a productive 2019.

Member Benefits

Development of skills

Help and support members

Interesting workshops

Networking with other members

Community Services

Helping not-for-profit organisations

Helping new filmmakers

Offering advice on filmmaking to local businesses and organisations

Contact us here

Sutton Filmmakers
Parochial Rooms,
42 The Broadway,
Cheam, Surrey,
SM3 8BL,
United Kingdom