SFM swept the board at “Sutton the Movie!”, a national short film competition sponsored by the London Borough of Sutton. The event’s organiser, Arts Network Sutton, handed out top prizes to three very different movies created by Club members:

Luke Baumkotter won the under-18 prize and Best Film overall for his horror series “Boy in a Suitcase”, which has done well in a number of competitions, both in the UK and internationally.

Michael Franklin’s “Master Builder – NOT”, a 3-minute comedy in silent era style, gained the prize in the 19-69 age category for its depiction of female empowerment. Larry Large, played by Franklin, taunts a young woman (Jennifer Davies) to the point where she retaliates.

“Xmas Robot”, made by Bruce Whitehall, won the Senior category. A housebound pensioner, played by Harry Lynes, faces a dreary Christmas until an unexpected guest arrives down the chimney.

Arts Network Sutton aims to foster borough-wide arts and cultural initiatives, providing funding when available. Recent recipients of ANS grants include CAOS (Carshalton Artists Open Studios)and the Wallington Music Festival.

Member Benefits

Development of skills

Help and support members

Interesting workshops

Networking with other members

Community Services

Helping not-for-profit organisations

Helping new filmmakers

Offering advice on filmmaking to local businesses and organisations

Contact us here

Sutton Filmmakers
Parochial Rooms,
42 The Broadway,
Cheam, Surrey,
SM3 8BL,
United Kingdom

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