General Policies for Sutton Filmmakers

The principle objectives of Sutton Filmmakers (SFM) are to:

1. Enable Film Makers of all standards and abilities to meet like minded others to make films and gain experience and skills in an enjoyable environment.

2. Provide practical resources to assist members to produce films.

* are not a commercial organisation and as such all subscriptions, door charges and any other income raised will be used to fund and extend resources available to the SFM membership in keeping with the above principles

Film Making Policy.

There are four types of production that and its members may be involved in, these are:

1.     Club films and fundraisers

2.     Club Commissions (3rd party)

3.     Members films (Non Commercial)

4.     Members films (Commercial or Speculative)

1. Club Films and Fundraisers, 

Film types.

a) Club Competition/Festival entries, Club Promotional Films.

b) Films and Productions produced for sale or screening in which all monies so raised is used exclusively to boost Club Funds. *

*(Such productions will fall completely within the terms of our I A C membership and Insurance but in the case of Sell Out films it will be necessary to ensure that we comply with our copyright licences or obtain any clearances as may be required).


These films are controlled, funded, owned and exploited exclusively by SFM in accordance with the terms of our IAC membership, 3rd Party Insurance and Music Licences.

Involvement in SFM Club Productions is voluntary and no member shall be paid for their participation other than reimbursement of accountable expenses, (The only exception being where a member provides a service which is necessary to the production and would otherwise need to be sourced externally at a cost). All such services must be justified on a cost basis, agreed by SFM in advance, and form part of the production budget.

The production ownership and all rights shall belong to SFM as an entity and no individual, whether a Club Member or otherwise shall have claim to any rights other than the inclusion of an “On Screen Credit” reflecting their role in the production.

2. Club Commissions (3rd Party).

Film types.

a) Films for other Clubs/Organisations or groups such as voluntary, charitable vocational or educational.

b) Films and productions produced for non charging screening or distribution for which the purpose is to raise awareness of  the commissioning organisations non commercial activities. *

c) Films and productions produced for sale or screening in which all monies so raised are used to the sole benefit of the commissioning organisations non commercial activities. *

*(The making of such productions falls completely within the terms of our IAC membership and Insurance but in all cases it will be necessary to ensure that the commissioning organisation is aware that they will be required to hold or obtain any necessary licences or  rights associated with the use of the production).


The production of commissions shall be considered on a case by case basis and within SFM Policy and the terms of our IAC membership.

No SFM member shall be paid for their participation in such films other than reimbursement of necessary expenses The only exception being where a member provides a service which is necessary to the production and would otherwise need to be sourced externally at a cost).

SFM cannot transfer 3rd Party rights such as Music and Performance licences covered by our IAC membership to the organisation commissioning the production therefore they will be required to obtain these rights in order to use the production, budget.

SFM shall retain the rights to the production but allow the commissioning Group or Organisation to use the production in an agreed form for an agreed purpose.

Such productions shall be undertaken on the following terms:

SFM will use their best efforts and available skills to produce the Film to the brief provided by the commissioning organisation and within the budget agreed.

It shall be established that SFM’s liability in the event of our failure to deliver such a production shall be limited to the cancellation of the agreement and the repayment of any advance monies paid by the commissioning organisation to SFM for delivery.

Cancellation of a production by the commissioning organisation will be considered on the basis of the reason provided. SFM will treat genuine reasons sympathetically but may require the commissioning organisation to reimburse any direct costs incurred prior to the cancellation. Any such costs will be limited and will not exceed the agreed budget.

3. Members Films (Non Commercial).

This category allows members to produce material within the club that they may personally use on a non commercial basis. The member(s) shall produce the film within the guidelines of the club and may use the clubs equipment and facilities. The member(s) shall be responsible for the production costs.

Film types.

a) Personal Festival/Competition Entries.

b) Personal Showreels and Demo’s.

c) Videos for bands known to the members. *

d) Personal subject matter and experimental. *

  • (The making of such productions falls completely within the terms of our IAC membership and Insurance but  in all cases  it will be necessary to ensure that the commissioning organisation is aware that they will be required to hold or obtain any necessary licences wrights associated  with the use of the production).


Production costs may be shared around the members involved but no payment or reimbursement of expenses may be derived or accepted from contributors to the production.

The club shall have the rights to retain a copy of the final production for promotional and exhibition purposes.

There are restrictions on the Clubs licence coverage and the member producing the film must ensure that the films final usage does not contravene or breach these licences.

If the clubs licences are inadequate the member must undertake to obtain such licences at their own cost and not exhibit the film until the club is satisfied that the necessary clearances or licences are in place.

4. Members Films (Commercial or Speculative).

The making of such films will not be covered by any of the Clubs Licences nor the Clubs Insurance Policy.

Members are free to use the resources and any expertise or skills within the club to assist with such projects however they must make their own arrangements as regards to kit and crew. Club members may actively participate in such films as individuals but such participation will be external to the Club. Club equipment may be available to members for such projects at the discretion of the membership but restrictions/terms may be imposed.

All rights, licences, insurance and clearance shall be the responsibility of the Producer.  

(The club have the right for a year to show the work and to enter it into competitions. Should the person who owns the film wish to sell it or use it commercially within a year of its completion, and where they are required to have exclusive rights,  the club will forgo its rights subject to a nominal donation from the individual(s) concerned. That members of the club who have worked on the film are able to use it in a show reel of their work). 

Membership Expectations.

All members are expected to:

1. Represent SFM and the interests of SFM in a positive manner.

2. Treat any kit or items whether loaned, borrowed or hired belonging to either SFM, any other member or a third party with due care, respect and competence.

3. Ensure that whilst undertaking any SFM activities their actions do not adversely affect or damage either the reputation SFM or the relationships with external or third parties.

4. Be aware of their actions and not expose themselves or any other person to risk or harm.

5. Undertake any SFM activities with awareness to our Insurance and be conscious of the need to ensure that all material produced must not breach the terms of any copyright licences.

Code of Practice (Production).

All films shall be designated a Production Associate who shall be responsible for ensuring that the production and production team adhere to these Codes of Practice.

1.   All members of the production team shall be required to work in a safe manner, avoiding placing themselves or others at risk.

2.   Suitable precautions shall be taken to ensure that our actions or activities do not adversely affect third parties or members of the public.

3.   All persons involved in a production shall behave in a professional, courteous and respectful manner and avoid actions which may cause offence to other persons.

4.   Where required permission shall be gained for the use of locations prior to the commencement of shooting.

5.   We shall treat property and locations with respect and ensure that our activities do not cause damage or inconvenience.

6.   Any dressing or props used on locations shall be removed immediately at the completion of filming and the location restored to its original condition.

7.   All production members shall cooperate fully with any instructions issued by any person in authority (e.g. Police) or any person with authority (e.g. Location Owners or their representatives).

8.   The definitive authority on each production shall be that of the Production Associate (or his/her delegate) and all production members shall adhere to any instructions issued by the PA.

The Production Associate

Once a film or pitch has been accepted by the club for production a Production Associate shall be nominated.


The role of the Production Associate shall be that of the Clubs representative on the production. Ideally the PA should not be creatively involved with the production.

The PA’s primary responsibilities are

1.   Ensuring that the production follows the basis of the pitch or brief.

2.   Monitoring the progress of the production and momentum.

3.   That the production and production team adheres to the codes of practice.

4.   Being aware of any elements of the production which may involve risk or require special precautions and seeking suitable advice prior to shooting.

5.   Ensuring permission has been obtained for the use of locations prior to the commencement of shooting.

6.   Ensuring that the production is run within the terms of the IAC membership and does not breach the terms of our Pubic Liability Insurance.

7.   Ensuring that the production does not breach our Copyright Licences and where necessary ensuring that alternative licences are obtained.


Presentation of projects.

That the club, or individual members be allowed to put forward any synopsis of a script or other project to the membership. That this synopsis be available in written form and be given on request to the members.  This only applies to specific club projects as classified.  Private projects that might be of interest to the individual members are not required to be in writing.

All projects put forward must state in which category the film falls , whether they are:

  1. Club Film or Fundraiser
  2. A Club Commission by a Third Party
  3. A non commercial Members film
  4. A  film that is commercial or speculative being made by a club member

In cases where a project is put forward and does not fall into the above classification,  it will not be deemed a club project.  Any other proposals for projects would be deemed private and for the memberships information only . These would need no response by the club. 

Club Films  and Fundraisers

Endorsed by the Club as a whole and using club members.   The expenses incurred  in these projects are paid for out of club funds (i.e. cassette costs, hire of equipment costs, travel expenses, food etc.  if deemed appropriate).  Any profit or surplus monies from such projects  is put back into the club’s account and  available for its use as it sees fit. The club in these circumstances has a right to censorship.  Such projects should will not contain gratuitous violence or graphic sexual images or contain other material likely to bring the club into disrepute..

Commercial Work

The Club may not canvas for commercial work.  But if specifically approached by a member or other body it may consider the project in isolation.  For any proposed commercial project a committee of three shall be elected from and by the club membership. That committee, to specifically look into the financial and contractual liabilities that the project entailed as well as risk and other factors that would effect the club, its status and its members. 

The committee to present its findings to the membership. To include proposed contracts and schedules together with indemnity and penalties clauses as well as any tax liabilities. The membership to vote no sooner than two weeks later  and on a club night  by a show of hands and for names to be recorded. (proxy votes in absentia to be included). Two thirds majority required.  

Members Films

Where the‘club’ assists an  individual club member(s) in making a  film using some club members. The club would expect to receive a credit on the project.  The film project must be put before the membership in accordance with presentation policies. The expenses of the project would be borne by the individual club member(s) who would be responsible for the project.    The clubs insurance policy to cover the membership while working on the project.

(The club have the right for a year to show the work and to enter it into competitions. Should the person who owns the film wish to sell it or use it commercially within a year of its completion, and where they are required to have exclusive rights,  the club will forgo its rights subject to a nominal donation from the individual(s) concerned. That members of the club who have worked on the film are able to use it in a show reel of their work). 

Loan of Club Kit and equipment for use by members for  club or private  purposes

To use the club equipment you must book it out through the SFM Kit Secretary will  and  they confirm your booking in due course. (This is all done online) 



To book out kit you have to have  attended the club on more than 25 occasions. 

If  you are a recent member and have not been at the club for more than 6 months it is suggested you can ask a longer standing member of SFM to your shoot and have them book the kit out.

You must also know how to use the equipment.


SFM Kit and equipment is only insured for SFM projects and club assisted projects.  If you are using it on another project or for private or commercial use then the Kit/Equipment is NOT insured. YOU (whoever booked out the kit) will be personally responsible and be held liable for loss or damage.

You are very strongly advised to insure the Kit yourself as a matter of priority. 

That the club may hire equipment to individuals who are club members and wish to use the equipment for commercial projects. (a contract  containing terms and conditions must be in place between that person and the SFM). That the member(s) will undertake to insure any and all equipment hired to them and is (are) personally liable for damage and or replacement. That invoices and receipts will be issued in the Sutton Film Maker’s  name in respect of  kit hire in accordance with  pre  agreed costs .  That any sums paid to the will not be for profit but  used  to repair, maintain  and update club equipment.

Censorship and Discrimination

do not endorse projects that contain gratuitous violence, graphic sexual images or contain any other material likely to bring the club into disrepute.  

Club projects or Club supported projects having been presented to the membership on a club night are given a response.  Two weeks must elapse before a response is given.   This response  must take place on a club night where a minimum of 5 members are present. (projects are approved by a majority vote of the membership present (by a show of hands) and to include written and signed proxy votes received in absentia).  

  • Club members wishing to undertake work from Commercial film makers are encouraged to do so. This may be work experience, voluntary or on a contractual basis.  The club in such circumstances is without issue and accepts no responsibility. 
  • It is consistent with the clubs policies for members who are affiliated to commercial film companies to invite the clubs members to undertake work experience or other voluntary work provided it does not jeopardise jobs within the industry. 
  • Any  commercial undertaking by the club must take into account jeopardising jobs within the industry. That such projects have an estimated cap of no more than £2000 profit.  This sum should be reviewed and set once a year and at the A.G.M.  (Subject to review at any time by three or more members tabling the matter before the membership)

Dated November 2017


Member Benefits

Development of skills

Help and support members

Interesting workshops

Networking with other members

Community Services

Helping not-for-profit organisations

Helping new filmmakers

Offering advice on filmmaking to local businesses and organisations

Contact us here

Sutton Filmmakers
Parochial Rooms,
42 The Broadway,
Cheam, Surrey,
SM3 8BL,
United Kingdom

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